The Image of a Savage | Loosen Art Gallery | Rome, Italy
"The image of the savage" is an exhibition that explores mans relationship with his savage self in the cultural and technological patina with which the man builds his refuges from reality.
This collective exhibition wants to explore the natural and wild state of the humankind through a series of photographic and graphic works by authors from various backgrounds. The show, set up at the Millepiani Gallery in Rome, is open on the 3rd of May until the 31st.
The Image of the Savage describes the big escape of the humanity from the modern world, towards a primordial dimension, in order to (re)discover its roots and itself through different “narrative sequences”: in fact, the artworks will be exhibited in three rounds, alternately rotating within the gallery for the whole duration of the show.
.Overall, during the visit of this collective one can notice that the artists try to give a complex and articulated vision around two main subjects: the human beings and the nature. Starting from these two focuses that inevitably meet (or, on the contrary, collide), a solid connection is generated and proposed to the public in a huge variety of aspects, both positive and negative.
Every human being is thus identified in a remote dimension, or captured while approaching the nature, immersed in it or completely absent. The human body is often at the centre of the scene, being presented through details, or hidden, kept secret; quoting Rousseau, it is offered in its most authentic “state of nature”, directly in touch with everything around him – the earth, the sky, the water…
May 3 – 13th 2017
Rome, Italy
Via N. Odero 13 - 00154 Rome - ITALY